Copier Lease

Copier Lease

Copier Parts

Many companies have found leasing to be a very popular option. Leases are based on a fixed monthly payment that covers the use of equipment for a specified period, such as 3 to 5 years. You can either return the equipment at the end of your lease or buy it.

Purchasing copiers, printers, and MFPs outright is another avenue to acquire the equipment your business needs. Buying provides long-term ownership and control over the assets.

Purchases or Down Payments - Costs upfront

With proper care and maintenance, today's copiers and MFPs can deliver reliable service for 3-5 years or more in busy office environments.

Receive training on operating the new equipment

Typical steps to lease a new copier or multifunction printer include:

Reduce costs for short-term needs

Benefits of buying copiers and printers include:

Use recommended maintenance and duty cycle schedules

Maintenance/service charges over the term

Lease vs. Buy Copier Cost Analysis

Compare the cost of leasing vs. buying a copier

Response time and uptime service guarantees

Copier Lease - Copier Parts

  • Copier Parts
  • Copier Rental
  • Photocopier

Canon Printers Lease

Compare warranties between models and makes

The ideal lease fits your current and projected usage levels while providing the services and capabilities needed by your business.

Copier Lease - Copier Rental

  • Copier Parts
  • Copier Rental
  • Photocopier
Work with a knowledgeable authorized dealer to structure the right lease agreement for your environment.

Schedule delivery and installation

Current and future business printing needs

Keep firmware and drivers updated

For businesses with established ongoing printing demands, buying equipment may offer advantages in terms of long-term costs and control. However, it requires having the capital available upfront.

Assess your printing and copying requirements

Canon Printers Lease
Ricoh Printers Lease

Ricoh Printers Lease

When purchasing copiers, printers, and MFPs, it helps to:

Ability to upgrade models during the term

If applicable, buyout options are available at the end of the lease term.

If you analyze these differences in relation to the specific circumstances of your situation, it will be easier for you to determine whether leasing or purchasing makes more sense financially and operationally.

Ongoing maintenance and supply expenses

Upfront purchase costs - From $200 to $20,000+

Printing needs for the future and current business

Copier Sales

Kyocera Printers Lease

Compare lease terms, SLA, and costs

Customization and maintenance are fully controlled

Lease term length - usually 3-5 years, but can be shorter.

Acquiring Copiers & Multifunction Printers: Leasing, Rentals, or Buying

Tax Treatment - Lease payments are a deductible operating expense; purchased assets can be depreciated

Kyocera Printers Lease
Copier Leasing

SLA uptime guarantee - Ensure an adequate response time

Steps to Lease a Copier or Printer

It is important to consider the following when purchasing copiers, MFPs and printers:

Research leasing companies and vendors

Select provider and negotiate final agreement

Copy Machine Lease

Search for leasing companies and vendors

For sporadic needs, short-term rentals provide access to equipment without a major investment.

Copier Lease - Photocopier

  1. Copier Parts
  2. Copier Rental
  3. Photocopier
  4. Copier Rental
  5. Copier Parts
Rental costs are generally deductible as a business operating expense as well.

Get quotes from 2-3 authorized dealers at minimum

The Differences between Leasing and Buying

ENERGY STAR ratings can help you reduce your costs.

Copy Machine Lease

Frequently Asked Questions

Compare lease offers from different providers, negotiate terms, and consider refurbished or lower-volume models for affordability.

Opt for a fair market value lease, consider energy-efficient models, negotiate service agreements, and assess your true copier needs to save costs.

Leasing provides budget flexibility, access to advanced technology, tax advantages, and eliminates the hassle of equipment disposal.